Transatlantic Ties Driven by Innovation: Advancing Technology, Talent, and Markets
We were told last weekend that the transatlantic relationship was broken.
No one told our schedulers.
On Monday, AmCham CZ woke early to travel up to Olomouc to talk with Karel Havlíček of ANO and Honeywell about how we could expand the advanced technology produced here for the global aerospace industry. The new Administration has stated that space is one of its three tech priorities, and Czechia is strong in space technologies.
Then we talked with Tomas Kolar of Linet spol. s r.o. about business in the US. America, including our military veterans, need those high quality, affordable beds in hospitals, in retirement homes, and even at regular types of homes to improve our quality of life. Linet continues to grow, and we are both confident the American market will continue to be a central part of why Linet is one of the leading businesses in its sector globally.
Based on the recommendation of Pavel Sovicka of Panattoni CZ & SK, we contacted Radim Holis and David Vychytil of the Zlin region to discuss what infrastructure was needed to build an innovation hub there.
We agreed with Úřad vlády České republiky and Jan Kavalirek and his colleagues at the Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu České republiky on a submission to accelerate Czechia's unrestricted access to the frontier semiconductors used in advanced AI development.
And, while the AmCham staff was working to pass an immigration bill crucial to creating an innovative workforce that has been sitting gathering dust in Parliament because politicians are scared other politicians will attack them for voting for it, many members of our board- including AmCham president Milan Slapak- drove to Brno to consult with Ladislav Janíček of Vysoké učení technické v Brně on how to generate more STEM students here in Czechia.
The geopolitical side of the transatlantic relationship may be in turmoil, but the foundation of the transatlantic relationship- the flow of people, ideas, technology, and products- is getting stronger every minute of every month. Our cooperation on creating the advanced technology that has made possible European and American security and prosperity has been the most beneficial relationship in humankind's history.
This is what Einstein, von Neumann, Turin, Shockley, Edison, Graham Bell, Jansky and Wozniak have gifted us.
Let's keep it going.